Cross Fields Design


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with your office.

Did you know that your success is directly related to the design of your environment?
As advocates for chiropractic and holistic healthcare practices, we understand that a well-designed environment is key to success. We continue to develop tools and teachings to help you in your journey.

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5 Biggest Mistakes Practitioners Make

Learn what to avoid when opening your office so you can set yourself up for success!

Learn to increase profitability and revenue through quality design.

Everything you need to know to launch your new business.


Download to get ideas of what other doctors have completed with us.


Checklist our designers would use to evaluate your current office image.


How much will my build out cost? What is the best space plan? 


Focused Blog Articles on key topics as you prepare for new office.


Listen to Carolyn’s teachings as she is interviewed on podcast.


Published articles on various subjects about and by CrossFields.